Perspectives and Empirical Study of Engineering College Students towards Entrepreneurship

  • J. Jose Prabhu Independent Researcher and Visiting Professor, Department of Management, Management and Engineering Colleges, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: entrepreneurial opportunities; entrepreneurial attitudes; entrepreneurial environment; parental factors; parents occupation and guidance; business support from parents


India experiences large troubles with its high degrees of joblessness amongst the youth particularly college finishes as an outcome of the absence of work experience, lowered abilities base, along college. The major issue managed in our financial scenario is the price, the price is high in India contrasted to all different various other nations, most of the graduates are currently unemployed or else operating in a business which not connected to their core. The emphasis of the study gets on just exactly how the way of thinking differs from a bachelor to an added on the appeal of entrepreneurship as work as well as to research the collaboration in between the business viewpoint along with the business opportunities-entrepreneurial ambiance. The researcher applied a detailed study layout, as well as the populace of the study, is an engineering university student examining in design universities associated with Anna University. A checklist of colleges offering a Design Program in the Pudukottai district connected to Anna University was obtained from the Anna College site. The sample design taken on for the study is organized random sampling with a total sample size of 400. The findings of the research study discloses that aspects towards entrepreneurship considerably affect the overall parental aspects of attitudes towards entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite
J. Jose Prabhu. (2020). Perspectives and Empirical Study of Engineering College Students towards Entrepreneurship . Konfrontasi: Jurnal Kultural, Ekonomi Dan Perubahan Sosial, 7(4), 331-342.